2023 Content Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

Content Calendar template on a laptop.

2023 is fast approaching, and it carries a plethora of marketing plans and techniques to take online e-commerce to the next level. If you plan to sell your product online in 2023, you need a solid marketing strategy.

To take your visitors to the bottom of your sales funnel, you need a well-defined blueprint that keeps them on their toes at every step. 82% of marketers add content marketing to their efforts toward increasing conversions. You don’t want to get left behind.

For your ease, we have compiled a list of the top content marketing trends you will notice in 2023, along with some that you can use for your small business. Pay attention as we take you through the easiest and most effective trends to optimize your online marketing efforts.

1.      From Brand to Friend: Personalizing Your Marketing

72% of marketers reported that content marketing was useful for small businesses to educate their audience. This means you can easily help your consumers understand your product through the words on your website or social media.

However, a customer will likely stick around longer on a website that speaks as their friend instead of a salesperson. One of the most effective 2023 content marketing trends is conversing with your customer through your content.

Your content must tell a story about your brand and your product. This can be done by evoking emotions or creating urgency that is met through a solution. You can win your potential customer over by identifying a problem they may face daily and letting them know you are there to help.

2.      Diversifying Your Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an important brick in the 2023 content marketing trends structure. 68% of your potential consumers are searching for you through a search engine. During their scrolling adventures, your content might only flash in front of them for seconds. Make it count!

The keywords that websites used to rank for are nothing like the ones your website will compete for today. We have progressed from the much shorter and more concise keywords to long-tailed monsters that multiple businesses target.

As your consumer gets tech-savvy and adds to their online vocabulary, you need to up the ante. Keep in mind that customers are slowly beginning to move towards voice commands. This means searching for a product is getting quicker than before.

As voice commands are added to the search engine, your small business may only pop up if you use an accurate keyword for ranking. Home devices and mobile voice commands must be considered when you map your SEO strategy.

3.      One Word, A Billion Ways to Deliver

Successful content marketing for small businesses doesn’t just depend on the words used to communicate to potential clients. Smaller businesses can deliver their content through multiple modes depending on their target audience. If you are a small business targeting younger customers, you must cater to shorter attention spans.

According to a survey by Statista, 14.9% of Millennials reported watching 10-20 hours of online video weekly. This is because a video can deliver much more than a line. Take advantage of these views and add an explainer video to your banner or use creative animations to reel them in.

Short-form videos can help you accomplish a lot more such as telling your customer why your product is special, the solution it provides, and why they should choose your brand. This can be expanded through Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. The best strategy to optimize your content is to create one coherent theme that develops trust in your customer.  

4.      Building Trust Through Collaborative Marketing

61% of your potential customers will trust influencer recommendations over your produced content. Collaborative content is thus of the top 2023 content marketing trends.

Smaller businesses have begun to use bigger and more trusted names in the industry to sell their product. Creating that initial footfall and breaking through the barrier can be challenging. But if you have an influencer’s word backing your product, you can easily get more traffic.

Collaborating with influencers and educating them on the uses of your product can help you market through a trusted name in the online space. Moreover, using outbound and inbound links in your blog content can also add to your product’s authenticity.

5. Shifting the Burden

Marketing is evolving and getting much more complicated than before. This means you cannot do everything, even if you want to. Understanding your target audience and monthly metrics and developing content strategy accordingly can be a hard feat to accomplish.

It is important to understand when you need to shift that burden and place your trust in an agency that understands your needs better than you do yourself. For Words Sell, incorporating many marketing trends listed above is easy. Our experienced marketing professionals can take your content marketing efforts for your small business to the next level.

Shifting the burden to a reliable agency will not take the creative control away from you. In fact, it will give you much more space to play around with how you want people to view your product. After all, you know your product best.

Your Hassle-Free Solution to the Best Marketing Strategy

Attempting to stay ahead of these trends is the way to success. Since marketing requires a lot of trial and error at first, it is essential to trust professionals who have already tested the most outdated trends.

You don’t have to plan it on your own. Hiring an agency doesn’t just take the burden off your shoulders. It ensures that you meet your targets the first time around. With years of experience with multiple industries, they are better equipped to meet the mark.

Words Sell can help you identify not only what works but doesn’t benefit your business. You can waste fewer resources and get to your ideal conversions and traffic much faster than otherwise. Contact us today and take a step towards increased engagement and traffic!

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